administrative records
Found in 282 Collections and/or Records:
Burnside Community Council records
Unprocessed collection consisting of miscellaneous records of the Burnside Community Council, which provided services to unhoused and low-income people in Portland, Oregon, and operated a shelter called Baloney Joe's. The collection also includes photographs related to the organization's services and activities, and issues of publications including Hobo News, Pipeline, and These Homeless Times.
Business for Culture and the Arts records
Records of Business for Culture and the Arts, a nonprofit organization in Portland, Oregon, that encouraged local businesses to support the arts. It was initially founded as the Oregon Arts Foundation in 1969, and dissolved in 2015.
Finice Caruthers estate papers
Collection includes court documents; deposition of Joseph Thomas, 1871, regarding the legitimacy of his son, Finice Caruthers; and a record book, 1 volume, regarding the administration of the estate. Finice Caruthers was the son of Mrs. Elizabeth Caruthers, who died in 1860 without heirs.
Cascade AIDS Project records
Records of and materials compiled by Cascade AIDS Project, an organization that provides services and advocacy for people with AIDS in Oregon and Southwest Washington and educates the public about AIDS and AIDS prevention. The collection also includes materials relating to other AIDS activism and gay rights activism, most notably records of the Portland Chapter of AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power (ACT UP).
Cascades Plywood Corporation records
In 1944, the Cascades Plywood Corporation purchased Evan Products Company of Portland. In 1945, Cascades merged with the Oak Ridge Timber Company. Cascades later acquired the assets of the Lyon Lumber Company. Records include correspondence; company history with profit/loss records; biography of Max D. Tucker, president; scrapbook; agreements and minutes; and ownership summaries.
Central Southeast Preservation Project records
Records of the Central Southeast Preservation Project (CSEPP), an organization that nominated multiple properties in Southeast Portland, Oregon, for historic landmark status in the late 1980s. The collection includes administrative records, National Register of Historic Places nomination forms, color slides and black and white negatives of buildings, and survey and research documentation.
Citizens for Children records
Records of an Oregon organization that operated from 1973-1987 and advocated for children and child welfare. Materials include articles of incorporation and bylaws, minutes, conference proceedings, lists of officers, membership records, and financial records.
Clackamas County, Oregon records
Collection includes a warrant book, 1882-1886; examination of the accounts of Sheriff John Thomas, 1864; cost of Clackamas County Courthouse, 1888; photocopy election tally sheet for Eagle Creek, Oregon, 1898; photocopy census lists, 1869 and 1918; photocopy tax rolls, 1870 and 1872; and typescript photocopy of a document titled "Meadowbrook as it was in the 1880's" by Virginia Dexter.
Clackamas Greenhouses, Inc. records
Collection includes administrative records, 1923-1926; and correspondence and miscellaneous documents, 1923-1930, regarding delinquent accounts and legal action with florists across the state.
Columbia Rediviva collection
Collection of documents, originals and copies, relating to the ship Columbia (also known as the Columbia Rediviva) and its journeys to the Pacific Northwest in the late 18th century. The ship was owned by Joseph Barrell out of Boston and most famously captained by Robert Gray. Materials include logs, journals, letters, financial records, cargo lists, and drawings of the ship.