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clippings (information artifacts)

Subject Source: Art & Architecture Thesaurus

Found in 151 Collections and/or Records:

Hubert Frederick Burgess papers

Identifier: Mss2239

Hubert Frederick Burgess (1864-1945) served as a Sunday School missionary in Oregon. Collection consists of ordination minutes of the First Congregational Church of Portland, 1892; a manuscript diary, 1892; newspaper clippings, 1891-1893, regarding Burgess's work in Oregon; typescript reminiscences, 1934, regarding his wedding trip in 1894; and a funeral notice, 1945.

Dates: 1891-1945

Ronald Glenn Callvert papers

Identifier: Mss2791

Ronald Glenn Callvert (1873-1955) was associate editor of the Oregonian and won a Pulitzer Prize for his 1938 editorial "My Country 'tis of Thee." Collection includes newspaper clippings of Callvert's editorials and features; Pulitzer Prize announcement and congratulatory letters and telegrams; Callvert's post-retirement writings; retirement card with an Art Bimrose cartoon; correspondence of Ronald S. Callvert regarding R. G. Callvert's career.

Dates: 1938-1956

Carl Greve collection

Identifier: Coll 245

Collection of materials relating to the Carl Greve jewelry store in downtown Portland, Oregon, including clippings of advertisements and articles about the business; mounted photographs and wall panels depicting interior and exterior views of the store; and an architectural illustration of the store building.

Dates: circa 1916-2007

Mary Jane Carr papers

Identifier: Mss2794

Mary Jane Carr was a children's writer and editor of the children's page in the Oregonian newspaper. Papers include biographical information and correspondence, 1916-1976, concerning Carr's works, the Disney film "Westward ho the wagons," and the gift of the manuscript of "Young Mac of Fort Vancouver" to the Kerlan collection at the University of Minnesota. Also included are manuscripts, typescripts, and clippings of poems, stories, scripts, and songs.

Dates: 1916-1976

César E. Chávez Boulevard Committee records

Identifier: Coll879

Records of the César E. Chávez Boulevard Committee, and press coverage of their activities, primarily from newspapers. The committee campaigned from 2007 to 2009 to name a street in Portland, Oregon, after Latino labor activist César E. Chávez (1927-1993). After a series of contentious hearings and adoption of a resolution to clarify the process of renaming strees, the Portland City Council voted to rename 39th Avenue as César E. Chávez Boulevard in July 2009.

Dates: 2006-2011; Majority of material found within 2007-2010

Cheryl James Defense Committee records

Identifier: Mss2015

Cheryl Dawn James was an 18-year-old African-American woman from Portland, Oregon. In 1971, she was convicted of assaulting an FBI agent who came to the James' residence to arrest her brother, Charles T. James Jr., who was absent without leave from the Navy. Collection includes correspondence, financial records, news clippings and ephemera regarding the case and the work of the Cheryl James Defense Committee Fund.

Dates: 1971-1973

Columbus Day Storm collection

Identifier: Mss 1058

Collection includes materials relating to the Columbus Day Storm in Portland, Oregon, on October 12, 1962, and its aftermath.

Dates: 1962-1965

Edward Cookingham papers

Identifier: Mss2658
Abstract Edward Cookingham (1860-1948) was vice president of Ladd & Tilton Bank in Portland, Oregon, from 1908-1918 and president from 1918-1925. He was also chairman of the Liberty Loan State Central Committee of Oregon during World War I. Collection includes scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, correspondence, and other memorabilia regarding Edward Cookingham's career in banking in Oregon and the Liberty Loan campaign. Collection also includes an account book, 1900-1908, of the Tacoma...
Dates: 1900-1948

Jacob Calvin Cooper correspondence

Identifier: Mss1026

Correspondence, 1896-1907, regarding politics of the 1898 primary election in Oregon and the Oregon Girls' Drill Company at the Jamestown Exhibition.

Dates: 1896-1937

John Corless diary

Identifier: Mss1178
Abstract Collection includes typescript copy diaries by John Corless: June 23-November 6, 1878, Eastern Oregon; May 9-August 8, Idaho; and May 27-October 8, 1880, Camp Chelan. Also included are a typescript letter from J. D. Slater to Fred Lockley, June 10, 1930, regarding the Corless diaries and their description of the killing of George Coggans and Olney McCoy during the Bannock Indian War, 1878; and a newspaper clipping from the Oregonian, July 6, 1931, reprinting a letter from D. W. Elledge to...
Dates: 1878-1931