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Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 3473

Memoirs of J. R. Anderson: précis

Identifier: Mss 812

Typescript carbon copies of a summary of "Memoirs of J. R. Anderson," with information about the career of his father, Alexander C. Anderson, with the Hudson's Bay Company.

Dates: circa 1900

Martha Anderson photographic collection for "Black Pioneers of the Northwest"

Identifier: Org. Lot 1092

Black and white copy prints of images used in the book "Black Pioneers of the Northwest" by Martha Anderson. Subjects include pioneers in Laramie, Wyoming; cowboys; railroad workers; soldiers and military bands; and the Rev. W. O. Johnson.

Dates: circa 1800-1918

Thomas M. Anderson letters

Identifier: Mss495

Letters from C. C. Augur and William C. McKay to Thomas M. Anderson (1836-1917), discussing topics relating to the history of the Pacific Northwest. Anderson was a U.S. Army officer who commanded the 14th Infantry at Fort Vancouver, Washington, in the 1880s and 1890s and who fought in the U.S. Civil War and the Spanish-American War.

Dates: 1890-1891

Mrs. William E. Anderson letters on the shelling of Warrenton, Oregon

Identifier: Mss 849

Manuscript letter by Mrs. William E. Anderson of Tillamook, Oregon, to the Oregon Historical Society, July 29, 1963, describing her husband's experience on June 21, 1942, during an attack by a Japanese submarine while he was working at a government camp at Warrenton, Oregon. Also included is a follow-up letter dated June 10, 1965.

Dates: 1963-1965

Wesley Andrews papers

Identifier: Mss1601

Wesley Andrews (1875-1950) began his postcard business in Baker, Oregon, in 1904 and moved to Portland in 1929, where he worked until 1940. Collection includes business papers for Andrews' postcard business, 1921-1938; and scrapbooks regarding Baker City.

Dates: 1898-1950

Angell family letters

Identifier: Mss2737

Susan Pinney Yeomans Angell (1832-1928) and Thomas Angell married in 1846 and came to Oregon from Iowa in a covered wagon in 1852. Collection includes correspondence to Thomas Angell and Susan Angell from family in Iowa, regarding life in Iowa and pleas for the Angells to return.

Dates: 1852-1871

Alexander P. Ankeny papers

Identifier: Mss 2057

Collection consists of Bond of Enrollment and Bond for License for steamer Echo issued to Alexander P. Ankeny, John Gates and Miles Bell, September 14, 1865.

Dates: 1865 September 14

Steamer Anne W. plans

Identifier: Mss 4012

Collection consists of plans for the steamer Anne W. by J. H. Johnston, dated June 14, 1913. They include top and side views, a cross section, and a line draft.

Dates: 1913 June 14

Answer to objections against discharge in bankruptcy proceedings

Identifier: Mss 740

Manuscript document regarding Pacific Northwest land holdings and other property of Charles M. Carter, who was, per note with the manuscript, a pioneer of 1848.

Dates: 1879 April 8

Antelope Saloon account books

Identifier: Mss488

Account books, 4 volumes, of the Antelope Saloon in Antelope, Oregon.

Dates: 1897-1907

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Oregon 1716
correspondence 802
interviews 761
Oral Histories 756
Portland 652
∨ more
photographs 484
Photographs 423
oral histories (literary genre) 414
Businesses and Corporations 282
administrative records 282
financial records 208
printed ephemera 203
Home and Family 196
Politics and Politicians 176
Ships and Shipping 174
Fine Arts 168
diaries 167
scrapbooks 163
Architecture 151
clippings (information artifacts) 151
Military 143
legal documents 140
Pioneers 134
Clubs and Societies 124
account books 122
Oregon -- Politics and government -- 20th century 109
Washington (State) 109
Women 108
photograph albums 106
Legislators -- Oregon 105
reports 104
Diaries 93
Justice, Administration of -- Oregon 88
Lawyers -- Oregon -- Portland 88
Religion 82
Architectural Drawings 77
Sports and Recreation 76
reminiscences 74
Immigrants -- Oregon 72
Judges -- Oregon 71
Political Campaigns -- Oregon 69
certificates 69
Civil Procedure and Courts 68
Forestry and Forestry Products 67
speeches (documents) 65
Elementary and Secondary Education 63
Performing Arts 63
Pioneers -- Oregon 63
building plans 62
Overland journeys to the Pacific 58
drawings (visual works) 56
Journalism 54
Agriculture 53
Legislation -- Oregon 50
Business enterprises -- Oregon -- Portland 48
ships plans 47
California 46
United States -- Immigration and emigration 45
Naval architecture -- Designs and plans 43
World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American 43
lithographs 43
African Americans 41
Native Americans 41
Oregon -- Politics and government 41
Railroads 41
Biographies (literary genre) 40
Medicine and Health 40
Scrapbooks 40
manuscripts for publication 40
minutes (administrative records) 40
Overland Journeys to the Northwestern United States 38
histories (literary works) 38
blueprints (reprographic copies) 37
Retail Trade 36
Gays and Lesbians 35
Japanese Americans -- Forced removal and internment, 1942-1945 35
Land Use 34
Neighborhoods -- Oregon -- Portland 33
United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century 33
Literature 32
Transportation 32
ephemera (general object genre) 31
Artists -- Oregon 30
Mines and Mineral Resources 30
Music 30
Japanese Americans 29
Portland (Or.) -- Photographs 29
architectural drawings (visual works) 29
engravings (prints) 28
Economics and Banking 27
ledgers (account books) 27
newsletters 27
Labor Unions 26
Laws and Legislation 26
Public prosecutors -- Oregon 26
Energy Production 25
Colleges and Universities 24
English language -- Study and teaching -- United States -- Foreign speakers 24
Expeditions and Adventure 24
research (documents) 24
+ ∧ less
English 3450
French 32
German 18
Japanese 10
Spanish; Castilian 7
∨ more  
Digregorio, Charles 91
Oregon. Legislative Assembly 88
Raman, Sankar 72
Strassmaier, James 67
Hansen, Clark 62
∨ more
Dodds, Linda S. 60
Republican Party (Or.) 52
Democratic Party (Or.) 49
Immigrant Story (Hillsboro, Or.) 42
United States. District Court (Oregon) 38
Hatfield, Mark O., 1922-2011 37
O'Rourke, Michael (Filmmaker) 37
Watts, Roberta 27
Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest 24
United States District Court of Oregon Historical Society 23
Northwest Power Planning Council (U.S.) 20
Oregon. Supreme Court 19
United States. Congress. Senate 19
Johnston, J. H. (John H.), 1855-1944 18
Harmon, Rick 17
Oregon Historical Society 16
Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition (1905 : Portland, Or.) 15
Morse, Wayne L. (Wayne Lyman), 1900-1974 15
Portland Rose Festival (Portland, Or.) 15
Portland General Electric Company 14
Solomon, Gus J. (Gus Jerome), 1906-1987 14
McCall, Tom, 1913-1983 13
Oregonian (Firm) 13
Johnson, Curtis 12
Minidoka Relocation Center 12
Photo-Art Commercial Studios (Portland, Or.) 12
Dollahite, Nancy E. 11
Oregon Journal (Firm) 11
United States. Army 11
University of Oregon 11
Kolisch, Marian W. 10
Meier & Frank (Portland, Or.) 10
Neuberger, Richard L. (Richard Lewis), 1912-1960 10
Oregon. Circuit Court (Multnomah County) 10
Oregon. Court of Appeals 10
Pendleton Round-Up 10
Yaw’s Top Notch (Portland, Or.) 10
Atiyeh, Victor 9
Dilg, Janice (Janice Lynn) 9
Hudson's Bay Company 9
Oregon (Battleship) 9
Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation 9
Angelus Studio (Portland, Or.) 8
Boe, Jason, 1929-1990 8
Edwards, Cecil L. 8
Fred Meyer, Inc. 8
Green, Edith, 1910-1987 8
McLoughlin, John, 1784-1857 8
Portland Public Schools (Or.) 8
Reed College (Portland, Or.) 8
Roberts, Betty, 1923-2011 8
Timberline Lodge (Mount Hood, Or.) 8
United States. Court of Appeals (9th Circuit) 8
Vaughan, Thomas, 1924-2013 8
Gifford, Benjamin A. 7
Goldschmidt, Neil E., 1940- 7
Hartman, Judy 7
Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) 7
Lane, Joseph, 1801-1881 7
McArthur, Lewis L. 7
McNary, Charles Linza, 1874-1944 7
Oregon Geographic Names Board 7
United States. Congress. House 7
Wyatt, Wendell William, 1917-2009 7
Applegate, Jesse A., 1811-1888 6
Baker, Edward Dickinson, 1811-1861 6
Failing, Henry, 1834-1898 6
Frank, Gerry (1923) 6
Gates, John, 1829-1888 6
Howard, Vinita M., 1928- 6
McArthur, Lewis A. (Lewis Ankeny), 1883-1951 6
Mehren, Elizabeth 6
Mitchell, John H. (John Hipple), 1835-1905 6
Neuberger, Maurine B. (Maurine Brown), 1907-2000 6
Oregon. Circuit Court (Lane County) 6
Oregon. Legislative Assembly. House of Representatives 6
Oregon. Office of the Secretary of State 6
Portland (Or.). Bureau of Police 6
Portland (Or.). Fire Department 6
Portland Art Association (Portland, Or.). Museum Art School 6
Portland Art Museum (Or.) 6
Portland Assembly Center (Portland, Or.) 6
Portland Civic Theatre (Portland, Or.) 6
Prentiss, A. M. (Arthur M.) 6
Rankin, Tex (John Gilbert), 1894-1947 6
Shaver Transportation Company (Portland, Or.) 6
Smith family 6
Spokane, Portland, and Seattle Railway 6
Sprague, Charles A. (Charles Arthur), 1887-1969 6
Straub, Robert W. 6
Sweetland, Monroe, 1910-2006 6
Tule Lake Relocation Center 6
United States. Attorney (Oregon) 6
University of Oregon. Medical School 6
Washington Public Power Supply System 6
+ ∧ less