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Ken Cropper labor activism papers

Identifier: Coll 1060

Scope and Contents

The collection consists of papers of Ken Cropper relating to his work in labor activism. The bulk of the collection concerns Cropper's work as political organizer for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 140, which represents public school custodians in Portland, Oregon. These materials include records of and relating to SEIU Local 140 and Portland Public Schools custodians generally; Portland Public Schools; and the Portland Habilitation Center, with which Portland Public Schools contracted after laying off the custodians in SEIU Local 140. The records consist of correspondence, largely e-mail or fax; administrative records; contract agreements; and original and photocopied newspaper articles and clippings. Other materials in the collection include records relating to Qualified Rehabilitation Facilities (QRFs) and job outsourcing generally; school custodians in Beaverton, Oregon, and Hillsboro, Oregon; other union organizations; and Oregon state legislation.


  • Creation: 1973-2023
  • Creation: Majority of material found within 1997-2009


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

The Oregon Historical Society owns the materials in the Research Library and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from copyright owners.

Biographical Note

Ken Cropper is a labor activist from Portland, Oregon. During the 2000s, he was the political organizer for Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 140, which represents school custodians in the Portland Public Schools system.

Sources: Information provided by Ken Cropper in 2023; "Portland Custodians Opt for Personal Protest," Oregonian, June 13, 2002, page D03.

Historical Note

In 2002, the board of Portland Public Schools in Oregon, citing cuts in state educational funding, announced the layoff of custodians who belonged to Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 140, intending to replace them with contract workers from the Portland Habilitation Center as a cost-cutting measure. Portland Habilitation Center was designated as a Qualified Rehabilitation Facility (QRF) contractor because of its employment of individuals with disabilities, though evidence from a later lawsuit against the organization found that it failed to satisfy QRF requirements that at least 75 percent of its contracted work be performed by people with disabilities.

SEIU Local 140, working with Portland Jobs for Justice, mounted a campaign to save the custodians' jobs, which included petitions and public support from teachers, parents, and students. When the layoffs began, the union filed a complaint with the Custodians' Civil Service Board, arguing that the termination of Local 140 members violated state law. Although the Custodians' Civil Service Board agreed, the Portland School Board ignored the ruling and continued to dismiss Local 140 workers. The case eventually reached the Oregon Supreme Court, which ruled 4-3 in favor of Local 140. In 2007, SEIU Local 140 and Portland Public Schools reached a settlement that included financial compensation for workers who had been laid off. Fewer than half of the custodians who had been laid off returned to their jobs at Portland Public Schools.

Sources: "N Site 1: 501 N. Dixon Street – Struggle Against Outsourcing of Portland Public Schools Custodians (2002)," Portland Labor History Tour, Portland Jobs with Justice website (accessed January 15, 2025),; "Disabled Worker Programs Act as a Wedge for Privatization," Northwest Labor Press, September 21, 2007 (accessed February 12, 2025),; "Lights Off, Doors Close," Oregonian, August 23, 2002, page B01; "School Custodians Win in Court," Oregonian, October 14, 2005, page A01; "Keys Can be Restored, Trust Is Harder to Unlock," Oregonian, July 31, 2006, page B01.


4.35 Cubic Feet (3 record cartons; 2 legal document cases)

Language of Materials



Papers of labor activist Ken Cropper of Portland, Oregon. The bulk of the papers relate to his work as a political organizer for Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 140, which represents custodians for public schools in Portland. These papers primarily relate to Local 140's dispute with Portland Public Schools during the 2000s, when the school board laid off custodians who belonged to Local 140 to replace them with contract workers from Portland Habilitation Center as a cost-cutting measure. Papers include correspondence, administrative records, and clippings, as well as some ephemera and a small number of photographs.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift of Ken Cropper, January 2024 (RL2024-004).

Separated Materials

SEIU Local 140 signs and buttons were separated to Museum Collections, Oregon Historical Society.

Processing Information

At the time the collection was donated to the Oregon Historical Society Research Library, much of it was organized in binders or plastic notebooks. For preservation purposes, materials were removed from these binders and notebooks and rehoused in archival folders, but kept in original order. In instances where the binder or notebook was labeled, the text of the original label was written on the front flap of the archival folder.

Guide to the Ken Cropper labor activism papers
Jeffrey A. Hayes
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid is written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Oregon Historical Society Research Library Repository

1200 SW Park Ave.
Portland OR 97205 United States