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Report of the Committee Appointed by Governor Julius L. Meier to Make a Study of Liquor Control for the State of Oregon

Identifier: Coll 1062

Scope and Contents

The collection consists of a photocopy of a report on potential liquor control measures in Oregon, prepared by a committee appointed by Oregon Governor Julius Meier. The bulk of the report was written by committee chair William S. Knox. It describes the committee's conclusions, outlines disagreements between committee members, and suggests legislation. The report also includes statements by committee members Jay H. Upton, John J. Beckman, and George Steelhammer, as well as excerpts from Meier's message to the Oregon Legislature on November 20, 1933, in which Meier summarized the committee's conclusions.


  • Creation: 1933


Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

The Oregon Historical Society owns the materials in the Research Library and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from copyright owners.

Historical Note

In July 1933, while the prohibition of alcohol in the United States was being repealed through the 21st Amendment, Oregon Governor Julius Meier appointed a committee to study ways and means of regulating alcohol in Oregon. Medical doctor William S. Knox (1885-1964) was the committee's chair. Committee member and state Representative John J. Beckwith wrote legislation based on the committee's recommendations, which was passed in December 1933. The legislation, popularly known as the "Knox bill" after William S. Knox, stipulated that beverages with more than 14 percent alcohol could be purchased only in state-run stores, while licensed private establishments could sell wine and beer with less than 14 percent alcohol. The law also established a state commission, which came to be known as the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC).

Sources: "Liquor Control Commission Selected by Meier; Wets and Drys on Board," Oregonian, July 28, 1933, page 1; "State Rum Board has Wide Powers," Oregonian, December 17, 1933, page 16; obituary for William S. Knox, Oregonian, February 21, 1964, page 25.


0.1 Cubic Feet (1 folder in shared box)

Language of Materials



Photocopy of a 1933 committee report submitted and primarily written by committee chair Dr. William S. Knox (1885-1964) containing recommendations for liquor control laws in the state of Oregon. The report also contains statements by other members of the committee and excerpts from a November 20, 1933, message by Oregon Governor Julius Meier to the Oregon Legislature. Meier appointed the committee in the summer of 1933, and its recommendations led to the creation of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift of 'lyn Horine-Burgess, May 2024 (RL2024-036).

Separated Materials

Other papers that were received with this report were cataloged separately as the David E. Burgess papers, Coll 1061, Oregon Historical Society Research Library.

Guide to the Report of the Committee Appointed by Governor Julius L. Meier to Make a Study of Liquor Control for the State of Oregon
Jeffrey A. Hayes
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid is written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Oregon Historical Society Research Library Repository

1200 SW Park Ave.
Portland OR 97205 United States